Join Us

Local Events
Come join us at a local event and meet the children, families and friends that make up our local Carrie’s Heart family. All of our activities and events are family friendly. It is the support of our local Carrie’s Heart family that makes our mission work in Mexico happen.
Teen & adult volunteers are needed for planning and running social activities and fundraising events. Volunteers are also needed to help with picking up, sorting and organizing donations.
Spread The Word
A great way to help us is by spreading the word about our work. Join our social media pages and share with your friends, family and colleagues to help our Carrie’s Heart family of support grow. If you have public relations and social media expertise…we need you!
International Outreach

In Kind Donations of specific equipment, personal care and medical supplies that are needed by our children in Mexico. The greatest need is for special needs strollers and lightweight, collapsible wheelchairs. Due to limited storage space we only accept items that our team has identified a need for. Donors can email us a list of items they have to donate.
Mission Trip Donations
Mission Trip Donations are needed as we prepare for an upcoming trip. We will have child specific needs and general needs that we will post a wish list for on social media and in our email updates.
Mission Team
Due to the vulnerability of the indigenous communities that we serve, we selectively choose a core group of medical and educational professionals committed to provide consistent, long-term support for our families. We are looking for professionals with specific specializations with the ability for long term commitment for consistency of the teams and care of the children.